Adult Education
Adult Education

Adult Education


Adult Education


Our digital Adult Education is here to support your academic goals with upgrading, Adult Dogwood Courses from grade 10-12, and certificates and training for employment opportunities.

Tl’etinqox Adult Education Centre is dedicated to supporting Tsilhqot'in Adult learners in achieving their academic and personal goals. Whether you are committed to strengthening your literacy or numeracy skills, need specific upgrading, or are working towards entrance into post secondary programming we are here to help!

We offer self-paced courses through Proactive Curriculum and Land-Based Activities, as well as courses through Connected Classrooms.

Each student will receive a personalized learning plan that will guide them towards reaching their goals.

Please contact the school for more information.






Tl'etinqox ?esgul follows the British Columbia Ministry of Education and Child Care Curriculum and meets all learning standards through the use of direct instruction programs, hands on learning, land-based activities, and partnerships with Nelson Canada and Apple Canada to enrich all instruction.


Tl'etinqox ?esgul regularly reviews student progress and provides intervention, benchmarking, and progress monitoring to ensure mastery of curriculum learning standards. With the use of MyMathPath, ReadWell, Reading Mastery, Learning Without Tears, Six-Minute Solutions, IXL, and Khan Academy from Kindergarten through Grade 7, we provide consistency for our students to achieve mastery in core subject areas that support success in meeting all other learning standards and supporting the whole student. 




Tl’etinqox ?esgul   ●   6909 School Road.    ●   Tl’etinqox, BC     ●   V0L1A0

Ph. 250.394.4293   ●   Fax. 250.394.4543   ●   Email:


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