Tl'etinqox School
Tl'etinqox School


Tl’etinqox ?esgul provides a student focused, data driven, learning environment that combines traditional Tsilhqot’in Language and Culture teachings with the British Columbia Curriculum to support our students in achieving their personal and academic goals, and those of the community at large. 

With a dedicated and passionate team of teachers and support staff, Tl’etinqox ?esgul provides students with daily core instruction, starting in Kindergarten 4, with classes in Literacy, Numeracy, and Tsilhqot’in Language and Culture. Along with these core subject areas, we also provide each grade level with lessons meeting BC Learning Standards in Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical and Health Education, Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies, Art, and Career Education through the use of ability grouping, one-to one support, small class sizes, and consistent professional development and instructional support to our team members.

Our goal is to honour Tsilhqot’in heritage and use this knowledge to foster language and cultural growth in our students while preparing each of them for not only their futures but the future of Tl’etinqox and the Tsilhqot’in Nation.

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Tl’etinqox ?esgul   ●   6909 School Road.    ●   Tl’etinqox, BC     ●   V0L1A0

Ph. 250.394.4293   ●   Fax. 250.394.4543   ●   Email:


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